7 Podcasts for High-Performance Entrepreneurs and Leaders

7 Podcasts for High-Performance Leaders and Entrepreneurs | Growth Lab Recommendations

Podcasts are a great way to get into the mind of successful people.

Podcasts provide insight into the mental frameworks and thought patterns that have helped them succeed and how they approach challenges and solve problems.

You can create more opportunities to learn a lot of practical tools to apply to your life by listening to an hour-long podcast while you drive instead of music.

Whether you’re looking for ways to become more effective at decision-making, get insights from industry leaders, or incorporate new frameworks and successful business practices, there is a podcast for you on this list.

Recommended Podcasts:

  • The Bedros Keuilian Show

    I first stumbled upon Bedros Keuilian in an interview with Tom Bilyeu. I was so moved by his insights that I started following him.

    He has a great way of communicating the intensity and drive required to experience the success everyone dreams of, but not many achieve.

    If you feel destined for more and have a burning desire to rise above the average mediocrity normalized in modern society, I encourage you to listen to his podcast show.

    Recent Episode: How to Reprogram Your Mind for Greatness | EP042

  • Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu

    As the title suggests, this interview-style podcast show features successful people across varying industries detailing their journey to success and the lessons they have learned.

    Whether you’re a budding entrepreneur or seasoned business mogul looking for an edge in your industry, you can walk away with practical tools and frameworks to improve your quality of life and journey to fulfillment.

    Recent Episode: ADAPT or DIE: Stop Being WEAK About Hard Things & Get Ahead of 99% of People

  • The Game with Alex Hormozi

    Alex Hormozi is excellent at communicating the fundamentals of a successful business and the traits it takes to be a successful player in the business game.

    He breaks down complex business topics in an easily digestible and practical way and provides easy-to-implement tools in every video.

    If you’re playing the entrepreneurship game or are interested in the game of business, I highly recommend his podcast and youtube channel.

    Recent Episode: The Point of the Game is to Play | EP 555

  • Motivation with Brendon Burchard

    I first heard of Brendon Burchard on an episode of Impact Theory, where he discussed high performance and success. After listening to the episode, I read his book, High-Performance Habits on Audible, and have kept up with him ever since.

    If you want to know how far positivity, a growth mindset, and proper habits can take you, I encourage you to listen to this podcast.

    Whenever I lack motivation and passion, one of his episodes gets me back on track and helps me reignite the fire within.

    Recent Episode: How to Achieve Your Dreams Faster

  • Own Your Future with Dean Graziosi

    Dean Graziosi is another person I discovered from an interview he did with Tom Bilyeu. He is an Entrepreneur, Success Coach, and much more, and his content focuses on developing a winning mindset, mastering marketing, and building momentum.

    I enjoyed his perspective and advice in an episode he did with Alex Hormozi, where they discussed why execution matters and how your ability to execute effectively can help you go the distance in life, regardless of your present situation.

    He recently started a new podcast called “Own Your Future,” I highly recommend you listen if you’re interested in listening to the secrets of success, as stated by those already successful.

    Recent Episode: Take the Shot or Lose the Chance | Why You Should Just Go For It

  • Daily Stoic Podcast

    Ryan Holiday is a master at connecting Ancient Stoic Philosophy with modern times. He’s the author of excellent books like The Obstacle is the Way, Stillness is the Key, and Discipline is Destiny, which are highly recommended for everyone.

    In his podcast, he talks with various people about how they’ve applied stoic teaching, knowingly or not, and how it’s contributed to their success.

    One of my favorite episodes is a conversation he had with James Clear, author of the best-selling Atomic Habits. In this episode, they discuss stoicism and the habit of daily improvement.

    Recent Episode: Sam Harris on Stoicism and Mindfulness Practice

  • Huberman Lab

    Huberman Lab is a podcast hosted by Dr. Andrew Huberman, a neuroscientist from Standford School of Medicine, where he discusses science-based tools for optimizing neural plasticity to learn new behaviors and skills and optimize cognitive function.

    He’s covered topics like water, caffeine, nicotine, sleep, and fitness, always using science-based evidence on what works best.

    I highly recommend his podcast if you want an objective perspective on best practices for optimal cognition and performance.

    Recent Episode: How to Enhance Performance & Learning by Applying a Growth Mindset

More Recommendations

Are you looking for more recommendations to help you develop and cultivate a growth mindset?

Check out the books and podcasts in these posts:

What are some of your go-to podcasts that have provided invaluable insights? Or, if you've already listened to some of the ones on my list - what were your key takeaways?

Share your thoughts and recommendations in the comments below!


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