How to Take the Limiting Belief Self-Assessment - Full Guide

In a previous post, we discussed how to break through limiting beliefs and included a Limiting Belief Self-Assessment to help you reflect on your mindset and the areas of your life that would benefit from a growth-focused approach.

This post will show you how to take the Limiting Belief Self-Assessement and understand your results.

Before we begin, if you haven’t already, download your copy of the Limiting Belief Self Assessment by clicking the button below.

Taking the Limiting Belief Self-Assessment

When you click the button, it will bring you to a preview page. Click “Use Template” to open the Self-Assessment.

After pressing “Use Template” the Assessment will open and allow you to enter the responses.

At the top are instructions explaining how to take the Assessment.

At the bottom of the page, you will notice a tab for Assessment and a tab for Response Rubric.

After you complete the assessment, you will receive a total score. Compare your score to the score ranges in the Response Rubric to understand the results of the Self-Assessment.

About the Limiting Belief Self-Assessment

The Self-Assessment is a total of 51 questions divided into 5 Life Areas.

Read each statement carefully and then select one of 5 options: Strongly Agree, Agree, Neither Agree nor Disagree, Disagree, and Strongly Disagree.

As you answer each question, a score corresponding to your response will be populated in the cell next to your answer.

Once you answer all the questions, you will receive a total score which will compare against the Response Rubric to help you understand the results of the Self-Assessment.

On the Response Rubric sheet, you will find a Scoring Guide that breaks down how your responses were measured and Score Ranges and how they correlate to your beliefs.

After analyzing your results, you can go through the Self-Assessment and make notes about how to improve or why you responded the way you did to a given question.

Why Take the Limiting Belief Self-Assessment?

Whether you’re new to Growth Mindset and Self-Development or want to check in with yourself, this Self-Assessment was designed to help you assess if your beliefs are keeping you stuck or helping you grow.

Even if you’ve been on your self-improvement journey for years or are just getting started, we believe self-reflection is a great tool for building self-awareness and identifying blind spots.

As you go through your Self-Improvement journey, we encourage you to take this Self-Assessment as many times as you need to identify any areas of improvement.

If you find the Limiting Belief Self-Assessment helpful, we would love to hear about your experiences, and we encourage you to share it with your friends and colleagues who may also benefit from this resource!


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