Optimize Focus & Productivity with Music

Finding the right productivity playlist can be challenging.

When you indulge in listening to your favorite songs, you may find yourself spending more time singing along and less time being productive.

And moody LoFi playlists relax you a little too much, despite what the title promises.

That’s why I am sharing the playlists to help you stay focused and complete the big projects on your to-do list.

Brain.fm Actually Works

I first discovered Brain.fm listening to an Iman Gadzhi video where he mentioned listening to it to stay focused for long periods.

And since this came from someone who appeared to have amassed great success by his early 20s, I figured why not try it?

At first, I would only listen to it when I worked on cognitively demanding topics or for longer timeframes than I was used to.

I also took breaks from Brain.fm, experimenting with classical music, LoFI, movie soundtracks, and other playlist curated on Youtube for focus.

But I always circled back to Brain.fm.

And when I think about the days I got lost in my work for the longest period of time before needing a break, those were the days I listened to Brain.fm.

Now it’s my choice of music whenever I sit down to write, complete assignments for an online course, or research new topics.

Brain.fm combines science and music to provide a source of music that helps you focus on your work instead of being distracted by your music.

You can read more about the science and technology behind Brian.fm or click the button below to try it today for only $1!

Classical Music is Great for Focus

Based on recent research findings, classical music is an ideal option for enhancing focus and concentration.

It boosts attention and concentration, lowers anxiety and blood pressure, and promotes relaxation.

Classical music is widely recognized as the optimal genre for enhancing concentration and productivity. Not only does it create a relaxed atmosphere, but it also stimulates the brain, leading to better information retention.

You can explore the following articles to read more about the effects of classical music on focus, concentration, memory, and learning:

If you’re looking for a great classical music playlist for your next work session, try one of these recommendations:

But what if classical music isn’t for you?

Try Instrumental Music

A study from the University of Tsukuba in Japan examining the effects of music on concentration found:

  • Music, whether familiar or not, improves concentration

  • Listening to music you like can further boost its impact on concentration

  • Music with lyrics negatively affects concentration and attention

  • Music can help you remember what you’ve learned

  • Music with high energy levels was distracting and negatively effected concentration

Instead of classical music, you can opt for background instrumental music such as:

  • Solo piano or French piano music

  • Guitar music

  • Lute music

  • Elizabethan consort music

Any instrumental music with a soft aura that fades perfectly into the background can help you absorb new information.

Music You Like Works Best

As the previously mentioned Japanese study suggests, listening to instrumental or classical music you like can also improve your concentration and focus.

For example, if you like pop music, you can find instrumental covers of your favorite pop songs and experience a boost in concentration.

Upbeat or “happy” music can activate more brain areas and keep you more engaged, allowing you to focus better, whereas slower music may better suit complex tasks.

As the last line of this article says, “Instrumental music that you enjoy, but that isn’t too lively to distract from study — that should do the trick.”

Whether working through a complex project or completing an online course, you can try one of the playlists below to improve your focus and get more done.

10 Instrumental Playlists for Focus & Concentration

Looking for a new playlist to enhance your focus and productivity? Give any of the following playlists a try!


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